Contact us:
Jennifer is the building manager for Chambers262, and you can text, call or email her:
Work Mobile: 0448 121 386
Landline: 02 6882 2625
Email: hello [ @ ]
Jennifer’s work hours are:
Monday: Midday to 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
If you call our landline during our business hours, and Jennifer is unable to take your call, Amber or Teena will collect the call.
Please contact us, for a no obligation enquiry about the following:
booking our conference room/s,
booking our mediation/conciliation/arbitration rooms,
booking a private consultation room
joining Chambers262 as an inhouse tenant
becoming a hybrid or virtual tenant (perhaps you would like a Dubbo CBD business address?)
Where are we?
262 Macquarie St, Dubbo NSW 2830.
For directions, click on this map (which will open onto your phone/screen in Google Maps), or navigate the map on this page.
Distance from Dubbo Regional Airport:
6km drive
(Dubbo Radio cabs: Hail a Cab » Taxis of Dubbo | Taxi Service ( or call them on 131 008)
Distance to Coles Supermarket / excellent cafes
200m walk
We have leased an accessible car-park space adjoining our building.